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H.Y.Ho; Y.C. Ho; M.J.Hsieh; S.F.Yang; C.Y.Chuang ; C.W.Lin ; C.H.Hsin . Hispolon suppresses migration and invasion of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells by inhibiting urokinaseplasminogen activator through modulation of the Akt signaling pathway. Environmental Toxicology. (SCI, accepted, 2016) |
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W.C.Chuang,Y.C. Ho,, J.W Liao, and F.J Lu (2014, Nov). Dunaliella salina Exhibits an Antileukemic Immunity in a Mouse Model of WEHI-3 Leukemia Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62, 11479-11487. (SCI, 2/56, AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) |
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Y.C. Ho, S.S Lee, S.F Yangc, C.CYud,Y.C.Chang,(2013),Inhibitory effects of wogonin on the invasion of human oral cancer cells by decreasing the activity of matrix metalloproteinases and urokinase-plasminogen activator. Journal of Dental Sciences |
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Y.C. Ho, C.C. Chen, S.F. Yang, F.M. Huang, Y.C. Chang,(2013), Upregulation of proteolytic enzymes and cyclooxygenase-2 in human gingival fibroblasts stimulated with safrole. Journal of Dental Sciences, xx, 1-6. (Online publication complete) |
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S.S. Lee, C.H. Tsai, Y.C. Ho, C.C. Yu, Y.C. Chang,(2012), Heat shock protein 27 expression in areca quid chewing-associated oral squamous cell carcinomas. Oral Dis. 18, 713-719 |
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Y.W. Hsu, C.F. Tsai, W.K. Chen, Y.C. Ho, F.J. Lu,(2011), Determination of lutein and zeaxanthin and antioxidant capacity of supercritical carbon dioxide extract from daylily. Food chemistry. 129, 1813-1818. |
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Y.W. Hsu, C.F Tsai, W.C. Chuang, W.K. Chen, Y.C. Ho, F.J Lu,(2010), Protective effects of silica hydride against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology.48, 1644-1653. |
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S.S Lee, C.H. Tsai, S.F. Yang, Y.C. Ho, Y.C. Chang ,(2010), Hypoxia inducible factor-1α expression in areca quid chewing-associated oral squamous cell carcinomas. Oral Dis. 16, 696-701. |
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Y.C. Ho, H.J. Lin, C.H. Tsai, Y.C. Chang,(2010), Regulation of type I plasminogen activator inhibitor in human gingival fibroblasts with cyclosporine A. Oral Diseases, 16, 396-401. |
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C.F. Tsai, Y.W. Hsu, W.K. Chen, W.H. Chang, C.C. Yen, Y.C. Ho, F.J. Lu , (2009), Hepatoprotective effect of electrolyzed reduced water against carbontetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 47, 2031–2036 |
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C.F. Tsai, Y.W. Hsu, W.K. Chen, Y.C. Ho, F.J. Lu,(2009), Enhanced Induction of Mitochondrial Damage and Apoptosis in Human Leukemia HL-60 Cells Due to Electrolyzed-Reduced Water and Glutathione. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 73(2), 280-287. |
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Y.C. Ho, S.F. Yang, F.M. Huang, Y.C. Chang,(2009), Up-regulation of osteolytic mediators in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine. Journal of periodontal research. 44, 760-766. |
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Y.W. Hsu, C.F. Tsai, W.H. Chang, Y.C. Ho, W.K. Chen, F.J. Lu,(2008), Protective effects of Dunaliella salina – A carotenoids-rich alga, against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 46, 3311-3317. |
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S.S. Lee, C.H. Tsai, Y.C. Ho, Y.C. Chang,(2008), The upregulation of heat shock protein 70 expression in areca quid chewing-associated oral squamous cell carcinomas. Oral Oncology. 44, 884-890. |
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S.S. Lee, S.F. Yang, Y.C. Ho, C.H. Tsai, Y.C. Chang,(2008), The upregulation of metallothionein-1 expression in areca quid chewing-associated oral squamous cell carcinomas. Oral Oncology. 44, 180-186. |
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Y.C Ho, F.M. Huang, Y.C Chang, (2007), Cytotoxicity of formaldehyde on human osteoblastic cells is related to intracellular glutathione levels. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 83B(2) 340-344. |
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Y.C. Ho, S.F. Yang, C.Y. Peng, M.Y. Chou, Y.C. Chang,(2007), Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits the invasion of human oral cancer cells and decreases the productions of matrix metalloproteinases and urokinase-plasminogen activator. J Oral Pathol Med. 36, 588-593. |
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L Wang, T.H. Tsai, C.F. Huang, M.S. Ho, D.B. Lin, Y.C. Ho, S.S. Lin, C.C. Wei, M.C. Chou, C.C Yang,(2007), Utilizing self-prepared ELISA plates for a cross-population study of different anti-HBe IgG subvlass profiles. Journal of Medical Virology. 79, 495-502. |
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Y.C. Ho, Y.C Chang,(2007), Effects of a bacterial lipid byproduct on human pulp fibroblasts in vitro. Journal of Endodontics. 33, 437-441. |
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Y.C. Ho, K.W. Tai, Y.C. Chang, (2007), Synergistic effects of verapamil on pingyangmycin-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in KB cells. Oral Diseases. 13, 40-44. |
1 |
Y-W Hsu, C-F Tsai, Y-C Lee, W-K Chen, Y-C Ho, F-J Lu. Antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of lutein and zeaxanthin in daylily. 第21 屆生物醫學聯合學術年會壁報論文. |
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Y-W Hsu, C-F Tsai, W-K Chen, Y-C Ho, F-J Lu. Free radical scavenging properties of electrolyzed-reduced water. 第20 屆生物醫學聯合學術年會壁報論文. |
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M-H Chuang, Y-WHsu, C-F Tsai, W-K Chen, Y-C Ho, F-J Lu. Daylily inhibits the proliferation of human breast cancer by blocking cell cycle propgression. 自由基研討會壁報論文.(2006) |
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C-F Tsai, Y-W Hsu, Y-C Ho, W-K Chen, F-J Lu. Antioxidative and hepato-protective effects of electrolyzed-reduced water against carbon tetrachloride inducing toxicity in ICR mice. 海峽兩岸自由基與天然物抗氧化劑暨氧化壓力之分子檢驗學術研討會論文摘要集.(2006) |
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F-J Lu, W-K Chen, Y-C Ho, B-H Chen, D-L Hsia, Y-K Huang, C-H Hsieh, W-H Chang. Wogonin inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis on human hepatoma cells. 第20 屆生物醫學聯合學術年會壁報論文.(2005) |
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F-J Lu, W-K Chen, Y-C Ho, B-H Chen, D-L Hsia, Y-K Huang, C-H Hsieh, W-H Chang. Wogonin inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis on human hepatoma cells. 氧化損傷指標及抗氧化劑應用與人類疾病研討會摘要.(2004) |