


陳建宏 副教授

  Chien-Hong Chen  

聯絡方式:04-24730022 轉 12219

E-mail : cchwind@csmu.edu.tw  


 中山醫學大學應用化學系 副教授(2011/2 - 迄今),中山醫學大學應用化學系 助理教授(2006/8 - 2011-1),國立清華大學化學系 博士後研究(2005/8 - 2006/7),國立清華大學化學系 理學博士( 2002/9 - 2005/7),台北縣三重市永福國民小學 教師(2001/8 - 2002/7),南投縣草屯鎮南開技術學院 兼任講師(2000/9 - 2001/6),國立彰化師範大學化學系 研究助理(2000/4 - 2001/7),國立彰化師範大學科學教育研究所 理學碩士(1996/9 - 1998/6),國立彰化師範大學化學系 理學士(1992/9 - 1996/6)





   1. 氫能源催化劑之設計及開發
   2. 二氧化碳活化觸媒之開發及其轉化機制之探討
   3. 含一氧化氮分子之設計開發及其作為藥物之應用


A. 期刊論文(SCIorSSCI)  

Yu-Ting Tseng, C.H.Chen, Jing-Yu Lin, Bing-Han Li, Yu-Huan Lu, Chia-Her Lin, Hsin-Tsung Chen, Tsu-Chien Weng, Dimosthenes Sokaras, Huang-Yeh Chen, Yun-Liang Soo, and Tsai-Te Lu*. “To Transfer or Not to Transfer? Development of a Dinitrosyl Iron Complex as a Nitroxyl Donor for the Nitroxylation of an FeIII–Porphyrin Center” Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 17570 – 17573.

2 Feng-Chun Lo, Ya-Wen Li, I-Jui Hsu,*, C.H.Chen,* and Wen-Feng Liaw. “Insight into the Reactivity and Electronic Structure of Dinuclear Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes” Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 1088110892
3 Feng-Chun Lo, Yi-Chieh Ho, Po-Ya Chang, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Ting-Shen Kuo, Jeng-Lung Chen, and C.H.Chen*. “New Members of a Class of Monomeric {Fe(NO)2}10 Dinitrosyliron Complexes and a Dimeric {Fe(NO)2}10–{Fe(NO)2}10 Dinitrosyliron Complex” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 3499–3509.
4 C.H.Chen,* Jheng-Hong Wang, Jing-Yi Huang, and Chung-Hung Hsieh*. “A new member of tetranuclear dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs)with 2-mercaptothiazoline ligand:synthesis, structure and properties” Res. Chem. Intermed. 2014, 40, 2217-2227.
5  C.H.Chen,* Shih-Ying Yen, Tzu-Ting Huang, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Ting-Shen Kuo and Chien-Ming Lee*. “Preparative and Structural Studies on [NiII(L)(N(CH2CH2S)2(CH2CH2SH))]0/1- (L = PEt3, SePh): A Thiol in the Secondary Coordination Sphere” J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2013, 60, 762-768.
6 J.H. Wang , C.H. Chen ,(2010), New Members of the {Fe(NO)2}10 Dinitrosyliron Complexes Bound with [Thiolate, Thiolate] and [Amide, Amide] Ligations. Inorganic Chemistry. 49, 7644-7646
7 C.M. Lee , C.H. Chen , F.X. Liao , C.H. Hu , G.H. Lee,(2010), Mononuclear NiIII-Alkyl Complexes (Alkyl ) Me and Et): Relevance to the Acetyl-CoA Synthase and Methyl-CoM Reductase. Journal of the American Chemistry Society. 132, 9256-9258
8 C.H. Chen , S.J. Chiou , H.Y. Chen , (2010), Dinuclear [{Fe(NO)2}10-{Fe(NO)2}10] Dinitrosyl Iron Complex with Thiolate-CO-Bridged Ligands. Inorganic Chemistry. 49, 2023-2025.
9 C.H.Chen , C.C. Hsieh , H.M. Lee , Y.C. Horng ,(2009), trans-Diacetonitriletetrakis(1H-pyrazole-κN2)nickel(II) dinitrate. Acta Crystallographical Section E. E65 , 1680-1680.
10 C.H. Chen , Y.C. Ho , G.H. Lee ,(2009), Synthesis and reactivity of the five-coordinate {Fe(NO)2}9 [(TMEDA)Fe(NO)2I]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 694, 3395-3400.
B. 研究計畫  
1 以含鐵、錳硝基化合物為一氧化氮供給劑及其催化一氧化氮轉換之研究(1/2) (95-2120-M-040-001-) 2006/10/01 ~ 2007/07/31
2 以含鐵、錳硝基化合物為一氧化氮供給劑及其催化一氧化氮轉換之研究 (2/2)(96-2113-M-040-001-) 2007/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31
3 含鐵、錳硝基化合物之合成及反應性探討及其做為一氧化氮供給劑與催化一氧化氮轉換之研究(97-2113-M-040-002-MY2) 2008/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31
4 雙亞硝醯基鐵化合物之合成,反應性研究及其電子結構與作為一氧化氮傳遞劑效率探討(99-2119-M-040-001-) 2010/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31
 個人網頁  http://w3.csmu.edu.tw/~cchwind/ 
C.H. Chen

